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Day 40 Power! “... His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the Heavenly realms...” Ephesians 1:19-20 One of the greatest needs in the church today is power; not political power, not manipulative power, not fleshly power, but heaven-sent, Holy Spirit anointed power. The source of all power is the Word of God. The Bible tells us in Romans 1:16, “I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.” The Bible continues to state this truth again in I Corinthians 1:18, “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” If the Bible is the source of all power, and there are lots of copies out there, then why are there not more changed lives? How is it possible to read the Bible and yet be unaffected by it? The root of the issue is what you define as truth. Do you believe that everything in the Bible is true and that it is from God? For the Christian, power and truth are inseparably linked together. Paul says in Ephesians 6:17, “Take the Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.” God gives us the power through Scripture. Consider today’s devotional a challenge to memorize a new Scripture verse. Then you can claim the promise of its power. Prayer Focus: Pray that the people of our church will be a powerhouse for God because we daily put on His armor. This armor includes the belt of truth, the body armor of God’s righteousness, the shoes of peace that comes from the Good News, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit which is the work of God, and that we will be a people who pray at all times (See Ephesians 6: 10-18). Pray that we will have a genuine love for God’s truth and will claim its power.


Day 39 Discover Your Destiny ... Like Jacob “When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he said, ‘Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it... and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God’s house, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.”’ Genesis 28:16,22 Today we continue our look at Jacobs encounter with God. Because of this experience, Jacob went from being characterized as a taker, to being known as a giver. It was all due to meeting the living God personally. Look at the God he met: God is a Dream-Maker. (Gen. 28:1 2) God came to Jacob with a dream for a glorious future. God always puts dreams about the future in our hearts. Jacob awoke to a wonderful truth. Beforehand, he did not know that he was at the house of God and the gate of heaven. God delights in giving us dreams and then seeing them come to pass. God is a Promise-Keeper. (Gen. 28:13) God reveals Himself not with just a generic name for God, but the covenant name of Yahweh. God is a God who makes promises and keeps them. He does what He says He will do. God is a Work-Giver. (Gen: 28:13) He speaks. The verse says, “and He said.” God reveals Himself clearly to His people through the Bible, which are His oral words in written form. Jacob had been stumbling around wondering, until he heard the voice of God. God is a Living God. (Gen. 28:13) God does not identify Himself as, “I was the God of your grandfather Abraham” but rather He says, “I am the God of your grandfather Abraham.” Prayer Focus: Take time in prayer to praise and worship God for who He is to you. Love Him back in a real and personal way today.


Day 38 Discover Your Destiny... Like Jacob “When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he said, ‘Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it... and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God’s house, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.”’ Genesis 28:16,22 Jacob was the black sheep of the patriarchs. His resume was filled with many questionable incidents. Today’s passage finds Jacob running from the consequences of his actions and falling asleep at a place called Bethel. While he was asleep, God revealed Himself to him in a personal way. It was then that the God became his personal God. Before we see how this destiny movement changed his perspective about giving, let’s look at the point where God showed up in Jacob’s life. Jacob’s scheming and trickery brought him nothing but failure and rejection . When he stopped running and fell asleep at Bethel, he had nothing. It is when you are at the end of your rope that God reveals Himself to you in a personal way. God reveals Himself when we are alone. God came to Moses when he was alone with his flocks in Midian. God came to Isaiah while he was alone in the temple praying. God uses the time we are alone to reveal Himself, for usually, that is when He has our undivided attention. Jacob was forever changed at Bethel. When God became personal to him, he immediately vowed to give God a tenth of everything. This personal encounter with God changed Jacob from a taker in life to a giver. Prayer Focus: Pray that everyone touched by our church will experience a personal relationship with God. Ask God how giving of your time, talent, and treasures can reveal your personal faith in Him. If you don’t know God in a personal way, pray and ask Him to meet you at “your Bethel.”


Day 37 Discover Your Destiny... Like Rebekah “’Drink, my Lord,’ she said, and quickly lowered the jar to her hands and gave him a drink. After she had given him a drink, she said, ‘I’ll draw water for your camels too...”’ Genesis 24:18-19 Chapter twenty-four of Genesis details the marvelous narrative of the servant of Abraham who seeks out a bride for Isaac. Most interpreters see a story behind the story in these verses. Abraham appears to be an example of Father God; Isaac is a picture of His Son, Jesus Christ, and the servant, the Holy Spirit. This unnamed servant when looking for a bride for the Father’s son had one characteristic in mind that she must possess. It was not natural beauty, even though Rebekah was naturally beautiful. It was not strength, even though she was strong. The servant was looking for a person who had the spirit of giving, for a giving person would bless the son, Isaac. When Rebekah gave him a drink and then offered to water his camels (which might take hours), he knew that he had found the one for Isaac. The Holy Spirit as well waits in the background until He sees the spirit of giving in you. Then He pulls out the riches and gives you revelation of the Father’s plan. The Holy Spirit is watching and waiting on your response to the opportunities to give in your life (Gen. 24:12). The Holy Spirit will graciously confront you with the opportunity to give (Gen. 24:17). Rebekah was willing to give. She was going to the well to take care of her needs. It was her water, but she gave it away (Gen . 24:18). Rebekah was willing to go beyond the ordinary. If you are willing to go beyond the ordinary for God, He will go beyond the ordinary for you (Gen. 24:19). Prayer Focus: Pray that our church possesses a spirit of giving above the ordinary. Ask God to bless you with a giving spirit. Pray for someone you know who struggles in this area.


Day 36 Discover Your Destiny... Like Abraham “Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything.” Genesis 14:20b Chapter fourteen of Genesis records for us a significant event in the pilgrimage of Abraham. This godly man becomes a warrior as he joins in defeating four kings who have united against five kings of the valley. War would not have interested Abraham, except for the fact that Lot, his nephew, was captured and taken into captivity. Today’s text picks up with Abraham returning as a conquering hero. His high esteem, already in the eyes of others, has gone higher. He is now known throughout the land. At this point in his prosperity, he is faced with a significant choice. In fact, his future destiny hangs in the balance of this choice. This choice is a spiritual battle, and it is a greater battle than the physical one he just fought. Will he become worldly with all these material possessions, or will he become rich in God’s eyes because he is a giver? Life is all about making the right choices. In this Bible passage, Melchizedek is a picture of Jesus Christ. With that in mind, you can see that Abraham made a wise choice by giving back to God a tenth of what God had given him. In your prosperity, which comes from God, do you give any back to Him? Spiritual growth will result from worshiping the Lord through giving. Prayer Focus: Pray that our church is a giving church. Pray that we will reach beyond our walls and our members to touch the world with God’s love through our talents, time, and treasures. Ask God to reveal ways that we can grow in our giving. Pray about your personal giving and how you can become more generous.


Day 35 Learning To Trust Him “Trust in the Lord... Fear the Lord... Honor the Lord.” Proverbs 3:5-9 In order to receive the blessing of God, we must trust Him. Trusting God is not some mere token confession you make from time to time. Trusting God must be complete, total, daily reliance upon the promises of God. Every day you will face the choice of relying upon your own understanding or trusting Him. You and I must choose to trust God. When you come to those places in life where the line is drawn and the question is, “Can I trust God?” your answer determines whether you grow beautifully or shrivel spiritually. The issue is, “Which am I going to choose?” When God told Noah to build the ark, it had never rained. Noah chose to trust God. Abraham left everything behind because he chose to trust God. Joshua was faced with a decision, and he said, “Choose today whom you will serve ... but as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” Do you have this kind of trust in the Lord? You can prove your trust in Him. Trusting Him is real when you acknowledge Him, when you depart from evil, and when you honor the Lord with your time, talent, and treasures. Prayer Focus: Claim the following Scripture today and personalize it for our church and for yourself! Hebrews 10:35-39, “Do not let this happy trust in the Lord die away, no matter what happens. Remember your reward! You need to keep on patiently doing God’s will if you want Him to do for you all that He has promised. His coming will not be delayed much longer. And those whose faith had made them good in God’s sight must live by faith, trusting Him in everything. Otherwise, if they shrink back, God will have no pleasure in them. But we have never turned our backs on God and sealed our fate. No, our faith in Him assures our soul’s salvation.”


Day 34 A God You Can Trust “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 God expects His people to trust Him, and He is a trustworthy God! We were created to live our lives in dependence upon Him. Our knowledge is incomplete, our wisdom is inadequate, our power is ineffective; thus, we need our Creator. Sin in its very essence is failing to trust God. These verses in Proverbs tell us how we are to trust Him. We are to trust Him entirely (verse 5). God wants us to trust Him “with all of our heart.” That means everything from our salvation to physical, mental, and social needs. That includes trusting Him with our families, marriages, jobs, relationships, finances, abilities, weaknesses, health, accomplishments, and failures. We are to trust Him exclusively (verse 5). God commands us not to depend on our own understanding. Why? Because it is fundamentally flawed with an infection of sin. God is truly omniscient. He knows it all from beginning to end. He even knows the number of hairs on your head. So follow His leading from His Word, prayer, and Godly counsel. He is on your side, so trust Him! We are to trust Him uniformly (verse 6). In all we do, in every decision we make, we are to trust His wisdom, not just with big things, but also with the little things. Prayer Focus: Pray that we will be fully convinced of His trustworthiness. Take time to praise Him today for who He is and what He does. Take time to thank Him today for His direction of your church’s path. Thank Him for His direction of your path.


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31246 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way
Asiático, Estilo familiar, Coreano, Sushi
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2006 S. 320th Street, Federal Way
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1320 S 324th St, Ste A10, Federal Way
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31248 Pacific Hwy S, Ste B, Federal Way
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33434 8th Ave S, Ste 103, Federal Way
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33301 1st Way S, Federal Way
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1911 SW Campus Dr, # 703, Federal Way
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33313 1st. Way S, Federal Way
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Armie Diaz, Coldwell Banker Danforth
33313 First Way, Federal Way
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Kim Harlington, Coldwell Banker Danforth
33313 1st Way S, Federal Way
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622 S 320th St Suite A, Federal Way
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33434 8th Ave S, Ste 103, Federal Way
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33434 8th Ave S, Federal Way
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2012 S 320th St, Suite A, Federal Way
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33434 8th Ave S, Ste 103, Federal Way
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622 S 320th St, Federal Way
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Peluqueros cercano

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34029 Hoyt Rd SW, Ste B, Federal Way
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30819 B1 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way
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Klean Kutz LLC.
30315 Pacific Hwy S, Ste C, Federal Way
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Royals Elite Barber Salon
2012 S 320th St, Ste F, Federal Way
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Shear Magic Hair Design
1500 S 336th St, Ste 17, Federal Way
Your Favorite HairBraider
29500 Pacific Hwy S, Ste L, Federal Way
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1626 S 310th St, Ste A, Federal Way
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1414 S. 324th St, Federal Way
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31811 Gateway Center Blvd S, Federal Way
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30845 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way
2016 S 320th St ste e, Federal Way
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37007 8th Ave S, Federal Way
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1401 South 348th St., #M104, Federal Way
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Great Clips
31519 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way
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1903 S Commons, Federal Way
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27219 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way
City Live Barbershop
28707 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way
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Stan Parente Salon | Federal Way
31835 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way
Beauty By Brandi at Stan Parente Salon
31835 Pacific Hwy S Suite E, Federal Way
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33625 9th Ave S, Federal Way
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Jesse at Bryson Speer Salon
30845 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way
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32921 1st Ave S, Ste C, Federal Way